Play Storytelling With Your Child

Everyone enjoys a good story. Whether it is someone describing an event in their lives, a book about our favorite activity, or a movie with our favorite characters, all of these situations include stories. Help your child listen closely and get involved in the storytelling process with these fun activities.

Beginning, Middle, and End. After listening to a story, reading a book, or watching a movie, ask your child what happened at the beginning, middle, and end. You may need to model this process a few times as you point out that the beginning is where we find out where the story takes place and meet the characters, the middle is where the problem is described, and the end is how the problem is solved. You can also take this activity one step further and have your child make clay or play dough sculptures for each of the three sections.

Back and Forth Story. This activity is exactly what it sounds like and is great when driving in the car or when you are doing something where you can’t stop to play with your child. You or your child starts a story with a line such as, “Once upon a time…” or “One day at the zoo…” You then take turns adding a line to the story. To get your child on the right track, you can simply ask, “What do you think happens next?” It won’t take long for her to catch on. If possible, involve older children or adults so that your child can see how the game works before it is her turn.


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